Location: Villa Bardenheuer

On 12 July 1839, Lamersdorf’s most famous citizen, Bernhard Bardenheuer, was born on his parents‘ farm on Dorfstraße. He studies medicine in Berlin, where he receives his doctor degree in 1864. In 1874 he becomes head physician at the Bürgerspital in Cologne, the most famous and largest hospital in the German Empire at that time. In 1884 he is qualifying as a professor. He introduces numerous surgical methods named after him and surgery owes him pioneering work in the field of fracture treatment.
On 19 July 1870 Bernhard Bardenheuer marries Hermine Thelen.
In the 1870s he builds a house next to his parents’ tavern, which is henceforth known as „de Villa“ in the village. The house already had running water at that time. It is pumped into a large tank in the attic and is thus available throughout the house. Most of the time Prof. Bardenheuer lives in Cologne; all five of the couple’s children are born there. However, he often returned to Lamersdorf and lived in the villa, as he did in the last years of his life. Prof. Bardenheuer died on 13. August 1913; he was buried in the family grave at the church, which had been acquired in 1871 and still exists today.
After Prof. Bardenheuer’s widow died on 26 June 1931 at the age of 84, the villa stood empty. On 01.07.1933, master baker Peter Mock from Weisweiler finally acquires the house as his later retirement home. The first tenants in the flats then built are the family Fussen, Imdahl, Fliehmann and Heinrich Bardenberg; the family Heinrich Kröngen lives in the coachman’s flat.
In 1947 Engelbert Lahaye is the owner of the villa. He runs a tavern there and his hairdresser’s shop in the annex. In 1955, a banqueting hall is built behind the building.
The tavern continues to operate as Gaststätte Lahaye, owned by Marianne and Josef Scheuer until the buildings are demolished in 1974. Instead of it a hotel with a hall extension is built on the same site in 1975. Dances, local club parties and carnival celebrations takes place regulary. In the 1990s, the hall extension is removed and the main building is extended. Until the flood disaster in July 2021 the old people’s and nursing home „Haus Katharina“ is located there. The flood damage is the reason,that the buildings had to be demolished afterwards.