Location: Mill / Paper mill Lamersdorf

1395: The first indication of the existence of a mill can be found in the register of church pensions „Alde Erfgulde“ written down by Gerlach van Dolre on 30.04.1395 on the basis of an old roll.
c. 1455: The mill in Lamersdorf is mentioned for the first time in a list of properties and income in Lamersdorf compiled by Johann IV. of Merode and his siblings.
Around 1467: Peter Molner is the leaseholder of the mill.
1474: The new leaseholder is Johann Staippel von Lamersdorf with his wife Nele.
1515: The mill is listed in a tax register of „Broeder Simon van Borselen, pastor zo Lammerstorp“.
1608: The Duke of Jülich allows the mill owner Servatius von Gladbach to convert the mill from a grain mill into a paper mill (however, this is not actually implemented until more than 200 years later).
Around 1800: The grain mill in the village is an electoral compulsory mill in which the inhabitants of Lamersdorf must have their grain ground. During the French occupation it is confiscated and declared state property.
1810: The French sell the confiscated property and Daniel Hartkopf becomes the new owner. He adds a knife grinding mill to the grist mill.
1811: Carl Heinrich Engels acquires the mill and applies to convert it into a paper mill. One year later he also acquires the mill in Inden.
1815: The paper mill goes into operation; this marks the beginning of paper production in the village. The mill is co-owned by Friedrich Wilhelm Schoeller from 1813 to 1820. From 1820 – 1829 Franz Josef Thoma is the owner.
1829: After a fire in 1827, the paper mill and the associated residential house is rebuilt from the ground up. It has 3 vats and a rapid bleaching plant. After one year as a tenant, Friedrich Wilhelm van Auw is the new owner from 1830 to 1860. Wallpapers („paper without end“) are produced in the qualities „fine/medium fine“, „spelt“ and „cardens“ on a paper machine built in 1837, the first of its kind.
1863: Hermann Werner is the owner.
1869: The paper mill is run by the Frantzen brothers.
1932: After the company goes bankrupt, the merchant Peter Bernhard Marx and the mill manager Werner Brock take over the mill from the Städtische Sparkasse Jülich.
1935: Werner Brock leaves and Peter Bernhard Marx continues the business alone. Production is specialized in the manufacture of straw and wrapping paper.
The factory is largely destroyed during the Second World War and must be painstakingly rebuilt after the war. 1948 only 6 workers were able to produce wrapping paper again and, after the straw cookers had been set up, the production of straw paper was also resumed. In

Since 1950, corrugated cardboard has been produced.
In 1953, the company begins processing the corrugated cardboard it produces itself into cardboard boxes. The neighbouring stone wheels are used for this and straw and waste paper are processed for further use.
The number of employees gradually increases to 180.
After Peter Bernhard Marx, his son-in-law Günter Nathaus continues to run the company. In 2013 the company is insolvent, then again in 2014 by the new owner Dennis Degenhardt. Since 2014, the company has finally continued as IPS Lamersdorf GmbH of IPS Industrial Packaging Solutions GmbH. Paper and cardboard are now no longer produced on site, but extensive packaging solutions are realised in Lamersdorf with delivered raw materials.