Location: Old Vicarage

Lamersdorf alte Vikarie vor 1930

Until the end of the Second World War, the old vicarage building of the St. Cornelius parish stood in place of the present memorial. Already an entry in the records in the parish archives from 11.10.1559 states that the sexton taught the children in the local school. This is very likely to have been done at this location, and the building was probably renovated or renewed several times.

The building had a school hall, an adjoining room and on the upper floor one or at times several living quarters for sextons or teachers working in the parish. Contemporary documents in the church archives attest to the teaching of children in the 18th century in this old vicarage building. At the same time, it will have been used as a place for the administration of church records. In 1766 there was a fire in the building, and for 1833 there is evidence of a restoration of the building.

In the adjacent map extract from the „Plan Geometrique de la Marie de Lamersdorf“ by Maubach and Schmitz, the building of the vicarage can be seen in 1811, as well as on the parcel map 5 in 1879.

In the 19th century, the building was too small for the growing population and thus the increasing number of pupils in the village, and so in 1839 a new school building was erected in Schulstraße (see sign 12). In times of housing shortage, however, the new building was used as living space around 1900 and classes were again held in the old vicarage.

However, the space available there, the increasing number of pupils and the hygienic conditions (the flats and the school had to share a toilet and washing facilities) necessitated a change in the situation. In 1929, an extension was added to the school building, which had been built in 1839, and new teacher’s quarters were erected. In 1930, the school was inaugurated and schooling resumed.

The building of the old vicarage is rented out in the adjoining room and on the upper floor, and the former school hall is used for various activities, such as handicrafts lessons, etc. in the village. During 1933 – 1945, the room is used as a youth centre. The building is destroyed in the turmoil of war. After the war, the building fell into disrepair, the stones were sold and the proceeds used to rebuild the church. A memorial for the fallen of the two world wars is then erected in place of the old vicarage building. The relief in the centre of the memorial comes from the old war memorial erected in 1922 for the fallen of World War I on the choir side of the church.

Overview Lamersdorf