Location: Old village school
Compulsory schooling was introduced in Prussia in 1717, but children were already taught in Lamersdorf in earlier times. In the records in the parish archives there is an entry from 11 October 1559 that the sexton teaches the children in the local school.
In practice, compulsory schooling did not exist in many cases.
School attendance often had to be neglected in order for the children to work on their parents‘ farm. Generally, there were week-long holidays at times of field cultivation and harvest.
Until the end of the 18th century, schooling in the countryside was a communal affair, with parish and community working together in harmony. After the French moved in in 1795, new school legislation brought further foundations for local schools and, in some cases, better pay for the teachers who worked there.
In the 18th century, the children in Lamersdorf were taught in the old vicarage building by the church, where the memorial now stands (sign 5).

Around 1838, the first efforts were made to erect a separate school building in what was then Schmiedegasse. In March 1839 a tender is issued for the construction of a school building. The school has an attached flat for the teacher. Around 1900, the old vicarage building is again used as a school. The rooms in the old school building are rented out as living quarters.
With the growing number of schoolchildren, however, the schoolroom in the vicarage building is subsequently far too small. Therefore, at least since 1920, the municipal administration has demanded the construction of additional rooms. At its meeting on 1 July 1927, the local council agreed to the government’s proposal to add two classes to the north gable of the old schoolhouse and to convert it into a teacher’s flat. In 1929, construction work began, and in 1930 the extension was inaugurated, and the school resumed operations in this building.
In the following years, the population of Lamersdorf increased and with it the number of pupils. In 1956, the construction of a new school building was again considered.

On 1 December 1958, the local council decides to build a new school on the „Pfeifenberg“.
The foundation stone was laid on 14 March 1960, and on 9 March 1961 the buildings of the new Catholic primary school were inaugurated.
After moving into the new school in 1961, the old school building is still used for various activities in the village. There are handicrafts and handicraft lessons for older citizens, and handicrafts lessons for young people in the village, including fretwork or the making of St. Martin’s torches.

In 1967, the old, now former school building is demolished.